Friday, August 30, 2013

the rise of STRONG, CONNECTED and LIFE-CHANGING women...

Well what an amazing musical journey I've been on today!

My mission was to find some good, strong, self-efficacy building song lyrics for young women - songs that would help them in their adventures of 'unconditional self-love' - one of every woman's greatest obstacles. Songs that, in enhancing their sense of self, would help women really believe that they can make a difference in their own lives. What I discovered was that it is almost impossible to find songs of this nature that don't focus on body image! I am beautiful, you are beautiful, looks don't matter, beauty is on the inside - blah, blah, blah!

Isn't it time we saw female self-worth as a concept that doesn't need to be addressed through beauty?

The endless number of pop singers singing about women who 'Are Already Beautiful' was too much to bear and just when my search seemed futile and I was about to abort mission I came across Mick Thomas' Vandemonian Lag project. And what I found was pure gold!

REAL STORIES about convict women who were transported for crimes of prostitution, for murder, for theft - women who were brought to Tasmania, who were thrust into a life of poverty, as criminals and who REGAINED THEIR LIVES AS STRONG CONNECTED WOMEN! Can you believe it?!

Now this is what I call motivational - I can not tell you how many young women I've worked with who are involved in crime, living in poverty, victims of consequence and part of a vicious cycle of low sense of self. It takes ridiculous amounts of belief in yourself to even imagine successfully breaking this cycle - and that is something these women don't usually have.

So, for you girls, HERE IS A POSITIVE MESSAGE!

Here are girls who've done it before. As Professor Lucy Frost says these women were tried for being disconnected themselves and here they are, against all odds, keeping their families together, giving them a sense of connectedness and developing their emotional stability.

It is SO possible! And THIS is the message I want young women to hear :)

Jane Gilligan - On The Town. Jane Gilligan was tried and convicted for prostitution, or as was documented, being 'on the town'.

Ann Myers. Annette Myers was convicted of shooting her husband in the head. A public campaign saw her death sentence altered to transportation after it was found he abused her.

Sex Hospital. Portrays the story of one of Tasmania's biggest sex scandals of the day.

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Thankyou for sharing this journey with me. I love reading your comments and treasure each one.